Does your favorite brand of rolling papers pass the ash test?
Some other brands of rolling paper may add Calcium Carbonate as an ash whitener. As It burns down, it leaves behind a white chalky residue to make your ash whiter.
RAW Rolling Papers has NO purposely added Calcium Carbonate, because we believe that your ash color should be true just like YOU!
* For US audiences only
#RAWpapers #experience
Some other brands of rolling paper may add Calcium Carbonate as an ash whitener. As It burns down, it leaves behind a white chalky residue to make your ash whiter.
RAW Rolling Papers has NO purposely added Calcium Carbonate, because we believe that your ash color should be true just like YOU!
* For US audiences only
#RAWpapers #experience
Does RAW Rolling Papers pass the ASH TEST? - YouTube
Does your favorite brand of rolling papers pass the ash test? Some other brands of rolling paper may add Calcium Carbonate as an ash whitener. As It burns do...
8 months ago